‘We believe the world would be a better place if more people do jiu jitsu”

ETP Foundation is a NPO created to help to spread the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to the four corners of the world.

Our mission is to provide equitable access and opportunities for people from all walks of life to discover BJJ and achieve their potential through their Jiu Jitsu journey. Through our community and programs, we hope to empower new and existing students of BJJ who have been disadvantaged by providing them with safe environment and support to develop and live their dreams through BJJ practice.

We have created a kids gis collection destined for kids who can’t afford those. Through this initiative, we hope to give a chance to everyone to contribute to the change in a kid’s life, through the practice of BJJ. When purchasing this gi, you are directly sponsoring a kid’s gear by offering it to a kid who needs it. 

We are committed to enabling athletes to follow their passion. Whether it’s to find the right place to train, purchase the training gear or to experience their first competition, ETP foundation supports these athletes through the donations we receive. You too can contribute to changing someone’s life today by donating.